60th Anniversary Celebration
Remember the Past 60/Celebrate the NEXT 60
August 11 - 13, 2023
Celebrate Koinonia's 60-year commitment to youth ministry. If you remember Pot Day, Beaver Cove, or Blueberry Island then this event is for you! We will walk down memory lane, share gratitude for the present, and take time to collect wishes and dreams for the future.
The full program includes:
The dedication of the new Sunago Floating Bridge with the Manlove Family - Special opportunity
Updates from our Executive Director and members of the Board
The unveiling of WATERFRONT 60 with a Water Carnival and Canoe Races (no swamp test needed)
A vintage multimedia slide show/movie event with popcorn and bug juice, and lots of photos and videos from the Koinonia archives! Bring back special memories and share with your friends, and make new friends as well!
Celebration Time! We come together to celebrate our 60th year with music, song, noisemakers and merriment of all kinds, topped off with a Birthday Cake, and a Square Dance!
Many opportunities for worship, thanksgiving and praise including, Sunday Eucharist at Chapel in the Pines, with Bishop Paul Egensteiner presiding.
Registration: All of the buildings are Full - we are taking names for a waiting list. There are some campsites still available.
Day Guests: We are hearing that people planning to come to the anniversary have found a place to stay but have not yet registered as a day guest. Adult Day guests pay $40 and Youth 6-12 pay $30 a day for programming and lunch and dinner. Please call or email Jean Sandberg HERE by August 7th so we can plan accordingly. Registration for DAY GUESTS begin at 8:30am.
Virtual Guests: Yes! We have an option for you to join us from afar. On Saturday August 12th you can come to our zoom room anytime between 9:30am and 6:00pm and say hello and enjoy several events. All you need to do is register here, and we will send you a zoom invite and passcode. Click HERE to register today!