This quiet, meditative experience offers time for personal reflection and prayer. Times for this service vary based on group schedules. During the spring, summer and fall (weather permitting) evensong takes place around the camp fire outside of the Kairos Conference Center. During the winter, evensong happens in the Agape Room at the Kairos Conference Center.
In the south of Burgundy, France lies a small village called Taizé. This village, founded over seventy years ago by Brother Roger, is home to a monastic community devoted to prayer and reconciliation. The community is made up of brothers from all the continents and major denominations who gather together three times a day, seven days a week, throughout the year to pray (whether there are 7000 young people present or only twenty). For more information on the Community, its history and on-going work, see their website. Click here to learn more about Taize.
While many people make pilgrimages to Taizé to experience the community and prayer life, most experience Taizé through the ways that community comes to us, namely by the characteristics it has contributed to Christian worship practices. While Taizé worship as practiced in the monastic community cannot be simply imitated, it can and has been adapted by many Christian communities in the United States.
Taizé worship service involves sung and chanted prayers, meditation, a period of silence, liturgical readings, and icons. There is no preaching. The style of prayer practiced at Taizé has attracted many worshipers from around the globe and from many different denominations.
A vibrant worship experience with preaching, music, prayer and Holy Communion. Worship is held at 10:00 A.M.. Services are held outside from Memorial Day to Columbus Day in the Chapel of the Pines, located on Mud Pond Road. From October through May, worship is held in the Kairos Conference Center.
Everyone is welcome to worship with us, even if you’ve never been to church before! Come as you are.
Dress is very casual.

Ichthus at the Chapel in the Pines
The Ichthus, or fish, is an early Christian symbol used by believers to identify themselves as followers of Christ, and to mark spaces for worship gatherings.
The Ichthus at the Chapel in the Pines is a raised bed, constructed of natural store and was established as a memorial garden for cremains (ashes of loved ones). It is located next to the Chapel in the Pines and overlooks our beautiful lake. The memorial area provides a natural, peaceful, private and holy place for us to remember and celebrate.
A central plaque is provided at the site and contains the names of all saints interred at the Ichthus. This engraving is included in the cost of interment.
If you or a loved one are interested in being interred at the Ichthus at the Chapel in the Pines, please contact the Koinonia office at 845-557-8335. Pre-arrangements are possible.